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Have you ever heard of Daisuke Gôri? If you’re a fan of Japanese anime, then you probably have. Gôri was a famous voice actor, who lent his voice to many popular characters in anime series. However, how much do you really know about his net worth? The answer may surprise you.

Section 1: Who was Daisuke Gôri?

Daisuke Gôri was a Japanese voice actor who started his career in 1978. He was known for his deep voice, which he used to bring many popular anime characters to life, such as Heihachi Mishima in the Tekken series, Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball Z, and Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure. He passed away in 2010 at the age of 57.

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Section 2: How much was Daisuke Gôri worth?

Daisuke Gôri’s net worth is estimated to be around $6 million, which is a considerable amount of money. He earned most of his wealth through his voice acting career, which spanned over three decades.

Section 3: What were some of Daisuke Gôri’s most popular roles?

Gôri lent his voice to many popular anime characters, but some of his most well-known roles include Heihachi Mishima in the Tekken series, Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball Z, and Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure. He also played various characters in Fist of the North Star and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

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Section 4: How did Daisuke Gôri become a voice actor?

Gôri started his career as a wrestler, but he eventually became interested in voice acting. He enrolled in a voice acting school and started auditioning for roles. His deep, distinctive voice caught the attention of casting directors, and he soon landed his first role as a voice actor.

Section 5: What was Daisuke Gôri like as a person?

According to his colleagues, Daisuke Gôri was a kind and humble person who was passionate about his work. He was known for his professionalism and his ability to bring characters to life with his voice. He also had a great sense of humor and was well-liked by his peers.

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Section 6: What legacy did Daisuke Gôri leave behind?

Daisuke Gôri left behind a rich legacy in the anime industry. His deep, distinctive voice brought many beloved characters to life, and his talent as a voice actor will be remembered for many years to come.

Section 7: How has the anime industry changed since Daisuke Gôri’s passing?

Since Daisuke Gôri passed away in 2010, the anime industry has continued to thrive. New voice actors have emerged, and new anime series have been produced. However, Daisuke Gôri’s contributions to the industry will always be remembered.

Section 8: What can we learn from Daisuke Gôri’s life?

Daisuke Gôri’s life is a testament to the power of passion and determination. Despite starting his career in a completely different field, he was able to change direction and become a successful voice actor. His dedication to his craft and his love for his work is an inspiration to us all.

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1. What was Daisuke Gôri’s estimated net worth?
Daisuke Gôri’s net worth is estimated to be around $6 million.

2. How did Daisuke Gôri become a voice actor?
Gôri enrolled in a voice acting school and started auditioning for roles. His deep, distinctive voice caught the attention of casting directors, and he soon landed his first role as a voice actor.

3. What were some of Daisuke Gôri’s most popular roles?
Gôri lent his voice to many popular anime characters, but some of his most well-known roles include Heihachi Mishima in the Tekken series, Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball Z, and Big the Cat in Sonic Adventure.

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4. What was Daisuke Gôri like as a person?
According to his colleagues, Daisuke Gôri was a kind and humble person who was passionate about his work. He was known for his professionalism and his ability to bring characters to life with his voice.

5. How has the anime industry changed since Daisuke Gôri’s passing?
Since Daisuke Gôri passed away in 2010, the anime industry has continued to thrive. New voice actors have emerged, and new anime series have been produced.

6. What legacy did Daisuke Gôri leave behind?
Daisuke Gôri left behind a rich legacy in the anime industry. His deep, distinctive voice brought many beloved characters to life, and his talent as a voice actor will be remembered for many years to come.

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7. What can we learn from Daisuke Gôri’s life?
Daisuke Gôri’s life is a testament to the power of passion and determination. Despite starting his career in a completely different field, he was able to change direction and become a successful voice actor.


1. Daisuke Gôri net worth 2. Daisuke Gôri earnings 3. How much did Daisuke Gôri make? 4. Daisuke Gôri income 5. Daisuke Gôri salary 6. Daisuke Gôri fortune


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